
If you are planning to have building work done, you may need to have certificates issued under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (EP&A Act) from either your local council or an accredited certifier. The Private Certification process allows an appropriately qualified Accredited Certifier who is an independent party from the owner and builder to carry out building approvals and inspections and will ensure that building approvals, certifications and inspections comply with legislative requirements.


No matter how big or small your building project, you will need a construction certificate (CC) or a complying development certificate (CDC) to start the construction and an occupation certificate (OC) to occupy the building. ACE Building Approvals are committed to using our knowledge and experience in the construction field to assist clients in achieving their objectives. We have the expertise, knowledge and staff to take the most complex problems and turn them into simple solutions. We offer a cost effective, professional and fast alternative to ensure this happens quickly and with minimu fuss..

Certificates issued by ACE Building Approvals:

  • Complying Development Certificates
  • Construction Certificates
  • Interim Occupation Certificate
  • Final Occupation Certificates
  • Compliance Certificates

Once you have received from your Local Council the Development Consent approval (DA Approval) with development conditions and the Council stamped plan you need to do the following:

  • Obtain a Construction Certificate approval
  • Nominate your "Principal Certifying Authority"(PCA)

You cannot start any building work without a Construction Certificate (CC) and a "Principal Certifying Authority" (PCA) being nominated and appointed.

Easy Steps to get a Construction Certificate and Occupation Certificate:

1. Once you have received your Development Consent (DA approval) with conditions and stamped plans, forward us a copy of     this documentation by post, fax, email or in person to our office, so we can consider your proposed building works and complete     our initial appraisal. ACE Building Approvals will then forward a fee proposal detailing our services for your consideration and     engagement.

2. If you accept our fee proposal for the nominated service, we will forward our application form and assessment letter outlining     the documentation required to issue the Construction Certificate for your project.

3. Upon receipt of all the required documentation as listed in the assessment letter, ACE Building Approvals will complete a full         assessment of your project and issue a Construction Certificate. A copy of the Certificate, your plans stamped by ACE             Building Approval and all relevant documentation will be forwarded to you. You will receive a letter with your Certificate listing     what inspections will be required during the course of the construction, and documents required prior to the issue of the         Occupation Certificate.

4. You need to complete "Notice of Commencement of Building Work and Appointment of Principal Certifying Authority" form and     forward it to our office before starting any building works.

5. Once all inspections are completed including the final inspection, and we have received all necessary documents and your     development has been constructed in accordance with the Council's conditions of consent and the Building Code of Australia,     you will be eligible to receive an Occupation Certificate.


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